Working directly under the marketing team and Design Creative Director at Guru Studio, I was tasked with creating two poster designs for print that would sit outside of both locations and help identify the events for Guru employees to find.
This was a project with a fast turn around of only a couple days, and as such the brief was simple and direct - 'Showcase the uniqueness of each event while maintaining a consistent overall brand that incorporates Guru identity, while being fresh.' Additionally, beyond the first round, the identity of the Town Hall poster was changed to reflect the conversational nature of the event, over the location focus we settled on initially.
This was a project with a fast turn around of only a couple days, and as such the brief was simple and direct - 'Showcase the uniqueness of each event while maintaining a consistent overall brand that incorporates Guru identity, while being fresh.' Additionally, beyond the first round, the identity of the Town Hall poster was changed to reflect the conversational nature of the event, over the location focus we settled on initially.

Guru has wonderful and iconic characters to pull from for inspiration.

The fast turn around of this project necessitated a fast round of thumbnails directly into working roughs. After the initial roughs were reviewed, it was decided to change directions as well as go directly into the final stage of the product.